Havoc Shield Blog

Threat Watch: Advanced Phishing Technique - Virtual Meeting Links

Written by Henry Moesta | Apr 18, 2024 7:08:32 PM

Havoc Shield has identified a recent security threat. Refer below for the latest vulnerabilities along with recommended action steps.

Security Threat

Threat actors have been leveraging fake websites advertising popular video conferencing software such as Google Meet, Skype, and Zoom to deliver a variety of malware targeting both Android and Windows users since December 2023.


Recommended Action

Educate your team through cyber awareness training and phishing campaigns. In addition to this, protecting your employees devices with endpoint threat protection software will help safeguard your networks should these files be installed. 


Additional Details
  • The spoofed sites closely resemble the domains they are spoofing. Be sure to double check the link before you click it.

  • The malicious payload can steal confidential information, log keystrokes, and even steal files from the compromised computer.

  • Attacks like these are becoming more common in the new year. 

  • The primary goal for the attackers is to get email credentials to nest themselves into the system and compromise the business' email. 

How can Havoc Shield help you fend off these attacks?


Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Havoc Shield's cybersecurity awareness training has a current module related to advanced phishing techniques. This module talks about how QR codes and more advanced techniques are becoming more common. This training will help your team be able to regularly spot phshing and be on the lookout for advanced phishing tactics.


Endpoint Threat Protection

Havoc Shield's Endpoint Threat Protection will act as a safeguard should your employees fail to identify the phishing. If a malicious file is downloaded onto a computer, the protective agent will scan the file to ensure there are no malicious components. Once attacks like these are identified the agent learns what the malicious activity looks like and stops the file from running its malicious commands. 


Schedule a call with us to learn more!